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"To put it simply, VetSoc events are truly legendary"

Starting this year, all ticket sales for VetSoc events will be hosted online! This means that it is easier for you to buy tickets to our events, avoids the mad queues, and stops you having to run to the cash point for money! 


When we have an event, the button below will be active, and clicking on it will take you to our SU 'Event Tickets' page. All you need to do is then follow the instructions on the page.


We will annouce our events via social media and university e-mails, so watch this space!


Please follow the instructions to buy tickets:


1. Click the 'BUY TICKETS' link below


2. This will take you to the SU page for the event (NOTE: an error message will show       and you will be unable to see the event until you LOGIN to the SU page)


3. Click 'Login' and enter your university username and password


4. You will now be able to see the event page


5. Click on 'buy tickets' and follow the payment instructions!




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