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Who We Are


NSAVS is the small animal clinical club subdivision of Vet Soc. We are committed to providing exciting talks, practicals and trips for students with particular interests in small animal medicine. We offer students opportunities to extend their learning, which hopefully allows them to have the extra edge as future vets when they enter small animal practices. This is achieved by providing sessions for students to develop practical skills and to meet and learn from expert guest speakers from across the UK.


What We Do

In addition to extra academic sessions, we also plan to hold fun social events for all with a small animal interest. Our plans for 2017/2018 are already being organised and include:

• Talks from specialists in the small animal veterinary field
• Practical sessions to improve handling skills with small animals that are not extensively accessible on the course, such as chinchillas
• Debates on controversial current topics within the small animal world, such as pedigree dog breeding
• Talks from resident and specialist small animal vets on career opportunities and options after graduating
• Trips to local dog and cat rescue shelters to give the animals socialisation opportunities, as well as practicing animal handling skills
• Talk from Guide Dogs on the impact of veterinary work when working with a Guide Dog, as well as potentially a fundraising project, involving a puppy room
• Additional lectures to aid revision, such as a musculoskeletal practical to recap the anatomy of the dog
• Social trips, such as to the cat café in Nottingham

We are very excited to make this a great year for NSAVS and we really look forward to meeting everyone at any of these events. We are very open to any suggestions and ideas, so if anyone has any particular interests or speakers they would like NSAVS to host, we would love to hear from you. Please do contact the email address below!


Contact Us


Coordinator: Corrie Stirling- Stainsby (



Nottingham Small Animal VetSoc Subdivision

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